Upcoming Events

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Foundational Event Principles

A series of book related events in Europe, USA, Canada and Australasia will form the basis from which we will design training, reflection and unlearning opportunities together with a growing network of partners. These events are designed to learn from each other and to bring regenerative disturbance into the wider cultural field. The aim is an emergent co-enquiry into diverse ways of nurturing collective resilience, bridging divides, providing containment for collective volatility, unlearning unhelpful patterns and encouraging resourceful creativity and adaptation as we face into stormy times.

  • This book began as a conversation, and we strive to maintain that spirit in the events. As an underlying principle, we want to disrupt the celebration of the lone heroic thinker or “expert” and aim to create the conditions for interdisciplinary co-generation of meaning making in the context of relationships. 

  • All events will address the book's main themes in an integrated way instead of taking one theme out of context or breaking themes down into component parts and addressing them one at a time.

An Apprenticeship with Sorrow: Tending the Losses of Everyday Life w/ Francis Weller

An Apprenticeship with Sorrow: Tending the Losses of Everyday Life w/ Francis Weller

This seminar will explore the elements of an Apprenticeship with Sorrow. Through the rites of grief, we are ripened as human beings. Grief invites gravity and depth into our world, urging us to understand it not only as an emotion but as a core faculty of being human. This apprenticeship is, at its heart, about crafting elders capable of meeting the pain and suffering of the world with a dignified and robust bearing. This is soul activism—intended to foster deep cultural change.

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Internal Family Systems for Social Transformation
to Oct 6

Internal Family Systems for Social Transformation

As we look at Internal Family Systems (IFS) within the context of climate psychology, we can see how this approach offers invaluable tools for transformative work at both personal and collective levels, particularly in communities working on climate and sustainability issues. IFS provides a structured approach to explore and address these dynamics, transforming both personal and professional relationships in the process.

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IFS Parts Work to Process World Events

IFS Parts Work to Process World Events

This workshop offers support for emotional processing  of world events using the effective and empowering approach of IFS parts work.

Highly interactive and deeply transformative, this workshop will provide you with skills and tools that you can apply both personally and professionally. This is why this workshop will not be recorded.

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Reckoning with the US Election: A Parts Work Approach to Inner and Outer Leadership

Reckoning with the US Election: A Parts Work Approach to Inner and Outer Leadership

The recent outcome of the US election presents significant challenges for climate action, complicating efforts to mitigate climate chaos and uphold human rights. This workshop, scheduled just days before the inauguration of a new US president, aims to enhance your capacities to respond effectively to these pressing issues. 

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Should I stay, or should I go?

Should I stay, or should I go?

  • 6 Langley Street London, England, WC2H 9JA United Kingdom (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Are you conflicted about the demands of your career path and your personal values and concerns in a time of ecological collapse?

Are you confused about how best to respond?

Are you asking what a meaningful life looks like in the context of the climate crisis?

Join climate psychologist, Steffi Bednarek, & climate journalist, Matthew Green, to explore these dilemmas in a small group of professionals from diverse backgrounds at The Conduit, London on Sat 7th Dec 2024 10am - 4.30pm.

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Facing the World with Soul — and Why it Matters

Facing the World with Soul — and Why it Matters

What would a soulful response to these circumstances look like? What practices and perspectives can support us leaning into the world? How do we keep our souls alive?

We will touch upon ways to cultivate a robust interior life rooted in imagination, creativity, fertile stories, ritual, self-compassion, and the vital necessity of friendship and living community.

Join us for a live lecture with soul activist and renowned author Francis Weller as we wonder aloud, what facing the world with soul might look like in these tenuous, uncertain times.

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Heart Politics - HPx Gathering
to Aug 20

Heart Politics - HPx Gathering

Heart Politics is a 4 day gathering at Walker Creek that invites participants to slow down, connect and listen. Zhiwa Woodbury, Steffi Bednarek and Molly Young Brown will be the gathering’s Keynote Listeners.

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Climate, Psychology, and Change Book Launch with RSA and Hawkwood Centre for Future Thinking

Climate, Psychology, and Change Book Launch with RSA and Hawkwood Centre for Future Thinking

This book launch will be a celebration of Climate, Psychology, and Change which reckons with the ways power, colonialism, capitalism and our innocent seeming familiar perceptions impact our myriad crises – while shaping Western psychology as we know it.

This is an in-person event at College, Painswick Old Road, Stroud, GL6 7QW.

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Online Book Launch with Pocket Project

Online Book Launch with Pocket Project

Join us for an interdisciplinary conversation about some of the most important questions of our time.

The 'Climate, Psychology & Change - Book Launch' is hosted by the Pocket Project. During this event, Thomas Hübl, Bayo Akomolafe, Francis Weller and Nora Bateson will speak about the core themes that are inter-woven throughout the book. Then James Vaccaro, Caroline Lucas and Deepa Mirchandani will help us to think about the ways in which these themes are relevant (or not!?) in the financial sector, in sustainability and in politics.

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Transcending Double Binds

Transcending Double Binds

Join us for a conversation about the psychological impacts of the metacrisis and ways to inform more effective communication, education and policy responses.

This event will be held online.

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